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Health & Welfare - Active

  • How do I become eligible?
  • What is COBRA? How do I get it?

    COBRA continuation coverage allows participants to continue their coverage, through self-payment, if they are no longer eligible under the plan.  The most common “qualifying event” for COBRA coverage occurs when an eligible participant has less that 100 hours reported in a month.  At that point the participant is allowed to run through anything remaining in their hour bank and they have the option to elect COBRA coverage within 60 days of their coverage ending.  Provided the proper self-payments are made in a timely manner the participant may continue their coverage for a maximum of 18 months.  There are exceptions to this in regards to the different qualifying events, who is eligible for COBRA, and the length of the COBRA period.  If you are interested in more information regarding COBRA you should refer to the Summary Plan Description.

    Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Active Plans (A, B, R, Flat Rate)
  • Do I have life insurance?

    Life insurance is available to eligible Plan A, B and Flat Rate participants. These benefits are not available to Plan R Participants. 

    The benefit is $20,000 in the event of the death of the participant, to be paid to the beneficiary named on your Enrollment Form.

    Up to $20,000 in Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefits will be paid for death or dismemberment due to an accident that happens on or off the job, and if:

    • You are eligible under the Health Plan on the date of the accident,
    • The death or dismemberment occurs within 180 days after the accident, and
    • The cause of death or dismemberment is not excluded. 

    Life insurance is also available for dependents. In the case of a Spouse or Domestic Partner’s death you will be paid $5,000. For dependent children the benefit is $1,000 for children less than 21 years of age. 

    For more information regarding your potential life insurance benefits, you should review the Summary Plan Description.

    Enrollment Form Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Active Plans (A, B, R, Flat Rate)
  • What disability benefits are offered under the Health and Welfare Plan?

    Extension of Health and Welfare Coverage – If you become disabled while you are eligible for benefits under the plan you may be eligible for an extension of your health coverage, up to 9 months. You must be eligible at the time of your disability and have enough hours in your hour bank to give you eligibility for the following month. Refer to the Plan Rules and Regulations for more information.


    Supplemental Monthly Disability Benefits – If you are an eligible Participant and you become temporarily disabled you may be eligible for a monthly supplemental benefit of $365. Please see the Plan Rules and Regulations for all of the requirements for this benefit.


    For more information see the Active Health and Welfare Disability Benefit Page.


    Active H&W: Disability

    Disability Benefit Application Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Active Plans (A, B, R, Flat Rate)
  • Do I have orthodontic benefits?

    Orthodontic benefits are separate from dental benefits and are paid by Delta Dental. They are available to your eligible Dependent children under age 19, regardless of which medical plan you are enrolled in (the Indemnity Medical Plan or Kaiser).


    The Plan pays up to $1,500 per Dependent child under age 19 (lifetime maximum) for the straightening and realignment of teeth. Benefits, payable at 50% of the Reasonable and Customary Charge, will be paid in one lump sum.


    For more information refer to the Active Dental Benefits Page.


    Active Dental

  • If I am denied a benefit, can I appeal it?

    Yes. If you disagree with the decision made on a claim, you may ask for a review (appeal the decision). You must submit your appeal by the applicable deadline, either within 180 days after you receive the notice of denial for a claim involving health care or disability (or, in the case of a concurrent claim, within a reasonable time, given the exigencies of your situation) or within 60 days after you receive the notice of denial for Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment claims.


    All appeals must state the reason you are disputing the denial and be accompanied by any pertinent material not already furnished. How and where you will submit your appeal depends on what type of claim it is. For more information please review the Plan Rules and Regulations.

    Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Active Plans (A, B, R, Flat Rate)
  • What dental benefits are available?

    Eligible participants have coverage through Delta Dental. Your dental benefits are structured to provide an incentive to use dentists that belong to the Delta Dental Preferred Provider (PPO) network. Delta Dental PPO dentists have agreed to charge Plan Participants and their eligible Dependents reduced fees.


    For more information see the Active Dental Benefits Page.


  • What is HIPAA?

    HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is a federal law that was put in to place to regulate health insurance. As a requirement of HIPAA, the Carpenter Plans will send you a Certificate of Group Health Coverage or portability letter if you lose coverage under the plan. These certificates are often required by other carriers, should you gain coverage under another plan.


    HIPAA also was put into place to protect your health information. By law, the Plan is required to follow certain practices to protect the privacy of your health information. For more information regarding HIPAA you can review the Plan’s Notice of Privacy Practices and the Summary Plan Description.

    Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Active Plans (A, B, R, Flat Rate) Notice of Privacy Practices Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Retiree Plan
  • What is the Indemnity Plan?

    The Indemnity Plan is the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan offered by the Carpenters Health and Welfare Trust Fund. Depending on the plan that you are reported under, you will have a deductible and out-of-pocket limit that need to be meet. Most benefits are paid at a certain percent. For a breakdown of how benefits are paid, please see the Summary Plan Description.


    The Carpenters Health and Welfare Trust Fund also offers a Kaiser HMO option that eligible participants can enroll in, as long as they live within the coverage areas.


    Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Active Plans (A, B, R, Flat Rate) Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Retiree Plan
  • How do the prescription benefits work?

    The Indemnity Plan offers a retail and mail order option. The prescription portion of the plan for Non-Medicare participants does not have a deductible or out of pocket limits, however, copays do apply. Copays are based on whether the prescription is generic, multi-source, single-source, formulary or non-formulary. Prior authorization may be required for some medications. For a breakdown of how the Indemnity Plan pays these benefits, please refer to the Summary Plan Description.


    Kaiser, the HMO offered by the Trust Fund, also has prescription benefits. The copays may differ from Indemnity Plan co pays so it is always best to refer to plan documents for a summary of benefits.


    If you have any questions regarding your benefits you can always contact your provider.


    Active H&W Prescription Page    Retiree H&W Prescription Page

    Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Active Plans (A, B, R, Flat Rate) Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Retiree Plan
  • Do I have vision benefits?

    If you are currently eligible, then yes, you have vision benefits. Benefits vary slightly between the Indemnity and Kaiser plans we offer.

    For more information refer to the Health and Welfare Indemnity Plan Vision Benefits page or visit

    Active Vision Benefits    Retiree Vision Benefits

  • Do I have hearing aid benefits?

    Yes.  All eligible plan participants have hearing aid benefits under their selected plan.  Benefits differ slightly from carrier to carrier so it is important to review the Summary Plan Description  to see how your plan pays for the benefits.

  • What is a Coordination of Benefits provision? Does this plan have a Coordination of Benefits Provision?

    The Indemnity Plan coordinates benefits with other group-sponsored plans.  Coordination of benefits eliminates duplication of benefits paid by multiple plans you or your dependents qualify for eligibility under.  For example, if your child is covered by your Plan and your Spouse’s plan, in general, the plan of the parent with the earliest birthday in the year (month and day) pays benefits first and the other parent’s plan pays secondary benefits, not to exceed the amount the provider charged.

    The Indemnity Plan requires an eligible Participant’s working Spouse who has the opportunity to enroll in a health plan through his/her employment  to take the offered insurance, even if there is a contribution required for that coverage.  The requirement applies only to the Spouse of an Active Participant and not to Dependent children.  If a working Spouse does not take coverage offered through his/her employer, the Indemnity Medical Plan will estimate the other group plan benefits to be 80% of Covered Expenses incurred and this Plan will pay only 20% of the Covered Expenses submitted for payment.

  • If I am eligible, which plans can I choose from?

    You will have the choice between the Indemnity Medical Plan (PPO) or Kaiser (HMO).

    If you elect Kaiser, you must live in their coverage area.

  • Who do I contact if I have questions regarding my benefits?

    A list of all of the health plan providers is available on the Provider Contact page.

    For questions regarding any of your benefits you can always contact the Trust Fund Office.

    Provider Contact Page

  • What are my rights under ERISA?

    Under ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974), you have the following rights:

    • Right to receive information about your plan and benefits;
    • Right to prudent actions by plan fiduciaries;
    • Right to enforce your rights;
    • Right to get assistance with your questions; and
    • In the case of the Health and Welfare plan, right to continue group health plan coverage.

    For more information about your rights under ERISA please see the Summary Plan Description.


    Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Active Plans (A, B, R, Flat Rate) Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Annuity Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - 401(k) Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - VHSL Summary Plan Description / Rules & Regulations - Pension
  • What is my medical coverage when I travel?

    Indemnity Preferred Provider (PPO) – The PPO network is available in and out of California. The same Plan rules apply to Covered services you have anywhere in the United States. Search for PPO providers throughout the country on Anthem’s website, Additionally, you have a $100 per appointment benefit for Covered services outside the United States.


    KaiserEmergency and Urgent Care away from home, including US travel and International travel.

Health & Welfare - Retiree

Vacation, Holiday & Sick Leave


  • How do I become eligible to receive benefits?

    You only become eligible to receive benefits upon retirement when you satisfy the vesting requirements and after you have fulfilled all the conditions of the entitlement to benefits.

    Pension Vesting

  • What is Vesting?

    Vesting guarantees your entitlement to future benefits from the Plan. Once you become vested, your accumulated Eligibility Credit, Unit Value Benefit Credit, Percentage of Contribution Benefit Credit, and Vesting Credit cannot be canceled even after you stop working in Covered Employment. One-Year Breaks in Service and Permanent Breaks in Service do not apply if you have met the requirements for vesting.


    Note: Achieving Vested Status guarantees your entitlement to future benefits from the Plan, however, your benefits may still be frozen if you have a Separation from Covered Employment.

  • How do I become Vested?

    On and after September 1, 1999, you are vested if you meet the following requirements:

    • You are a Participant; and 
    • You have earned at least one Hour of Work in this Plan on or after September 1, 1999; and
    • You have accumulated 5 Years of Vesting Credit, or you have accumulated 5 full Eligibility Credits without a Permanent Break in Service, or you have attained your Normal Retirement Age without a Permanent Break in Service.

    Prior to September 1, 1999 and after September 1, 1976, you were vested if you had accumulated 10 years of Vesting Credit, or 10 full Eligibility Credits without a Permanent Break in Service or you had attained your Normal Retirement Age.

  • When can I retire?

    If you are eligible, your Normal Retirement Age is age 65 or your age on your fifth anniversary of participation, if you are older than age 65. However, you may be able to Retire before your Normal Retirement Age, if you meet certain age and service requirements as explained in the Pension FAQs section.  In order to receive pension benefits, you MUST be Retired from the Building and Construction Industry and you must have fulfilled all the conditions to be entitled to benefits.

  • When can I retire on a Regular or Service Pension before age 65?

    You may retire on a Regular Pension when you are at least age 62 and have 10 years of Vesting Credit or 10 full Eligibility Credits (excluding any Vesting Credit or Eligibility Credit lost due to a Permanent Break in Service).


    You may retire on a Service Pension before age 62 when you accumulate at least 30 full Eligibility Credits in Northern California (excluding any Eligibility Credit lost due to a Permanent Break in Service). However, if you have performed work in Non-Covered Employment for an employer that does not contribute to this Plan, Service Pension benefits accrued after July 1, 1991, will be delayed six months for every calendar quarter in which you worked in such Non-Covered Employment.


    Note: A Service Pension is not available if you previously received an Early Retirement Pension under the Plan.


    In order to receive pension benefits, you MUST refrain from Prohibited Employment and you must make application for your pension.

  • What will be the amount of my Regular or Service Pension?

    The monthly amount of a Regular or Service Pension will be the same as the unreduced accrued benefit payable at Normal Retirement Age. The payment form you select, deductions and withholding, community property claims, and any court ordered reductions may also reduce your benefit amount.

  • When can I retire on a reduced Early Retirement Pension?

    When you are at least age 55 and have at least 10 full Eligibility Credits (excluding any Eligibility Credit lost due to a Permanent Break in Service); and after you have fulfilled all the conditions which would entitle you to a benefit, including the filing of an application and refraining from Prohibited Employment.

  • Is there any reason that my Early Retirement Pension may be delayed?

    Yes. If you have performed work in Non-Covered Employment for an employer that does not contribute to this Plan, your Early Retirement Pension will be delayed 6 months for each calendar quarter in which you worked in Non-Covered Employment. 

  • What will be the amount of my Early Retirement Pension?

    Your Early Retirement Pension amount will equal your Regular Pension amount reduced by ½ of 1% for each month that you are younger than age 62 on the effective date of your Early Retirement Pension. This reduction takes into account that you are younger than age 62 when your pension begins and, therefore, you will be receiving a pension for a longer period of time. The payment form you select, deductions and withholding, community property claims, and any court ordered reductions may also reduce your benefit amount.

  • Can I receive a Disability Pension?

    Yes. If your Covered Employment is terminated because you become Totally Disabled, you may be entitled to receive a Disability Pension if:

    1. You are not yet age 62;
    2. You have at least 10 full Eligibility Credits (without a Permanent Break in Service; and 
    3. You earned at least three-twelfths of a Future Service Eligibility Credit in the 5 consecutive Calendar Year periods prior to the Calendar Year in which you became Totally Disabled.
  • What does it mean to be “Totally Disabled?”

    "Totally Disabled" means that you are totally disabled from work of any kind and you are receiving a Social Security Disability Benefit or otherwise meet the Social Security Administration’s rules for determining total disability.

  • What will be the amount of my Disability Pension if I am Totally Disabled?

    The monthly amount of your Disability Pension would be equal to the monthly amount of your Regular Pension. There is no reduction because of age, as in the case of an Early Retirement Pension, but there may be a reduction depending on the payment form that you select, deductions and withholding, community property claims, and any court ordered deductions may also reduce your benefit amount.


401(k) Plan

  • What is the difference between traditional and Roth savings?

    In a traditional 401(k), you contribute income pre-tax, and then pay taxes on the funds when you withdraw them during retirement.  In a Roth savings, you pay taxes upfront so you can make withdrawals tax-free during retirement.

  • When can I withdraw my account?

    A withdrawal from the account can be made based on any of the following events:

    (a) The Participant’s death;

    (b) The Participant’s retirement with all Employers at or after attaining Normal Retirement Age, or on account of Disability;

    (c) The Participant’s retirement under the Carpenters Pension Trust Fund for Northern California;

    (d) The Participant has ceased working in Covered Employment for a period of six consecutive months; or

    (e) Entry to military service.

    The Account of a Participant who is (was) a Non-Collectively Bargained Employee shall become distributable once the Participant has a separation of employment with the Employer (including separation due to retirement, Disability or death).

  • Can I take a loan from my 401(k)?

    The Plan allows you to borrow against the value of your account balance. It’s a way for you to borrow your own money. The interest you pay on your loan goes back into your own Plan account. You can model your repayment schedule and apply for a loan by contacting John Hancock. Loan documentation and processing instructions will be mailed to you.


    A loan setup fee of $100 will be deducted from your account each time you initiate a Plan loan. You may have no more than two loans outstanding at any time. The interest rate is fixed and will be equal to the Prime Rate (as published in The Wall Street Journal on the day the loan is initiated).


    The minimum amount you can borrow is $500. The maximum loan amount available to you will be determined by your account balance. You may borrow up to the lesser of 50% of your account balance or $50,000.

  • Can I take a hardship withdrawal?

    Under the Plan, you are permitted to withdraw a portion of your account if you experience one of the following six financial hardships:

    • Purchase of your principal residence;
    • Payment of unreimbursed medical expenses incurred by you, your spouse or dependents; or to permit you, your spouse, or your dependents to obtain medical care;
    • Payment of tuition and “related expenses” (as defined under federal law) for the next 12 months of post-secondary education (for example, college, graduate school and/or equivalent courses) for you, your spouse, your children or dependents;
    • Payment to prevent eviction from your principal residence or foreclosure on the mortgage of your principal residence;
    • Payment of funeral or burial expenses for your deceased parent, spouse, children or dependents (as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code, without regard to Section 152 (d)(1)(B) of the Code); or
    • Payment to repair damage to your principal residence that would qualify for a casualty loss deduction under Section 165 of the Internal Revenue Code (determined without regard to whether the loss exceeds ten percent (10%) of your adjusted gross income).

    You may only withdraw the amount of your pre-tax contributions (not including any investment earnings), any Roth contributions and any rollover contributions you may have made to the Plan (including any investment earnings) needed to meet your hardship. However, you may elect to increase the amount withdrawn to cover any applicable tax withholding on the withdrawal.

    The minimum amount you can withdraw is $500 (or, if less, the entire available amount). A Hardship Withdrawal fee of $75 will be deducted from your account each time a Hardship Withdrawal is initiated.

    In reviewing your request for a hardship withdrawal, consideration will be given to the nature of your financial need, the documentation you provide and whether or not you have exhausted all other financial resources available to you, including a Plan loan or other withdrawal from the Plan. In other words, you will have to prove a financial hardship and that you (and your spouse and dependents) have no other monies immediately available to meet that hardship. In connection with your request for a hardship withdrawal, you will be asked to provide certain documentation, including a statement to the effect that the need cannot reasonably be relieved through reimbursement or compensation by insurance or otherwise, by liquidation of your assets, by stopping your contributions to the Plan, by taking other distributions and loans available under this Plan or other plans maintained by the Board of Trustees, or by borrowing from a commercial source on reasonable terms.

    The amount you withdraw for financial hardship will be subject to optional federal income tax withholding. If you are under age 59½, an additional 10% penalty tax may apply. You may request a hardship withdrawal form by contacting John Hancock. You should, however, consult with your tax advisor before exercising this option.


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