About CFAO
The Carpenter Funds Administrative Office of Northern California, Inc. (CFAO) is a non-profit corporation that administers Taft-Hartley Benefit Funds for members of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBC) within the 46 Northern California Counties. Those UBC members are represented by the Northern California Carpenters Regional Council (NCCRC) and its 22 affiliate Local Unions.
The Funds administered by the CFAO provide Health, Retirement, Vacation and Training Benefits to over 50,000 Plan Participants and additionally provide benefits to over 100,000 dependents.
The administration of each Fund is directed by a Board of Trustees. All benefits are paid in accordance with the Plan Rules and Regulations. The funds are financed through a combination of Employer contributions made under Collective Bargaining Agreements between the Union and Employers and investment earnings.

The CFAO Website
The information provided on this website is presented in summary fashion. The Rules and Regulations of each Plan govern the administration of all benefits. Only the Board of Trustees:
- Is authorized to interpret the Plan Rules and Regulations;
- Has the authority to modify or change the rules of the Plan;
- May give binding answers, and then only if you have furnished full and accurate information concerning your situation in writing;
- Shall be the sole judge of the standard of proof required in any case and the application and interpretation of this Plan;
- Shall render decisions final and binding on all parties, subject only to such judicial review as may be in harmony with federal labor policy
No Employer or Union nor any representative of any Employer or Union is authorized to interpret the Plan on behalf of the Board – nor can these persons act as an agent of the Board of Trustees. Benefits are paid in accordance with the Plan Rules and Regulations. All other documents, including the Summary Plan Description, are interpretations of the Plan Rules, and in the event of a discrepancy, the Plan Rules prevail.